C.C. Hsu & Associates of Architects and Engineers, founded in 1975, is the only professional association specialized in hospitalarchitecture design in Taiwan.
We have designed and built more than 50 hospitals and medical schools,which include 4 well-known medical schools
(National Defense Medical Center, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University,Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital ) ,and some of ourprojects have become representative architecture of Taiwan.
The total inpatient beds of hospital projects we built exceeds 32,000, in which a total of 13 hospitals have between 800and 1,500 inpatient beds, 14 hospitals have between 500and 800 inpatient beds .
C.C. Hsu & Associates of Architects and Engineers is also involved in and works in the biotechnology field. For example, our current projects“National Health Research Institute” and “Medical Technology Building of Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taipei Veterans General Hospital”are the most important .
11577 臺北市南港區八德路四段768巷3號2樓之1
2F.-1, No.3, Ln. 768, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
#401, No. 22, Huli Avenue, Huli District, Xiamen, China 361000
11577 台北市南港区八德路四段768巷3号2楼之1
11577 臺北市南港區八德路四段768巷3號2樓之1
北京市西城区白广路4号院A区 1层110室(邮编100053 )
2F.-1, No.3, Ln. 768, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Suit 110, 1st Floor, Section A, No. 4, Bai-Guang Road, Xi-Cheng District, Beijing, China 100053
北京市西城区白广路4号院A区 1层110室(邮编100053 )