1.Date: Oct/1996
Executive Institute: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Construction
Title of Forum: 96’ Beijing International Forum on the Architecture of Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Title of Speech: The Development of Hospital Architecture in Taiwan
2.Date: Oct/1998
Executive Institute: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Construction
Title of Forum: 98’ Beijing International Forum on the Architecture of Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Title of Speech: The Expansion of Hospitals—Some Examples in Taiwan and China
3.Date: Oct/2000
Executive Institute: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Construction
Title of Forum: 00’ Beijing International Forum on the Architecture of Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Title of Speech: The Modernization of Medicine, the Architectural Expansion of Hospitals and the Rising Health Care Market in China
4.Date: Sep/2002
Executive Institute: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Construction
Title of Forum: 02’ Beijing International Forum of the Architecture of Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Title of Speech: New Approaches for Hospital Architecture
5.Date: Aug/2005
Executive Institute: Chinese Hospital Association, Institute of Hospital Administration of the Ministry of Health
Title of Forum: 05’ Shanghai International Forum on the Architecture of Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
Title of Speech:
1. Architecture of Hospitals, Medical Schools and Health Research Organizations
2. Patient Centered Spatial Arrangement
6.Date: Sep/2007
Executive Institute: Chinese Association of Hospitals、Architectural Society of China、Jhejiang Health Economy Association
Title of Forum: 2007 Annual Meeting for the Hospital Architecture and Hospital Facilities Fair
Title of Speech: The Trends of the Planning and Design of Hospitals
7.Date: Nov/2009
Executive Institute: Stanbu China (Shanghai Stanbu Information Consultant Ltd.)
Title of Forum: 2009 International Forum Health-Care Design
Title of Speech: The Past, Present and future of Hospital Building In Taiwan
8.Date : Nov/2010
Executive Institute: ibicn.com Inc, “Hospital Construction”
Title of Forum: National Industry Forum on Hospital Construction and Development
Title of Speech: The development and current situation of Taiwan's Green Hospital
11577 臺北市南港區八德路四段768巷3號2樓之1
2F.-1, No.3, Ln. 768, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
#401, No. 22, Huli Avenue, Huli District, Xiamen, China 361000
11577 台北市南港区八德路四段768巷3号2楼之1
11577 臺北市南港區八德路四段768巷3號2樓之1
北京市西城区白广路4号院A区 1层110室(邮编100053 )
2F.-1, No.3, Ln. 768, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Suit 110, 1st Floor, Section A, No. 4, Bai-Guang Road, Xi-Cheng District, Beijing, China 100053
北京市西城区白广路4号院A区 1层110室(邮编100053 )