Our missions are to provide an ideal platform for constructive communication, to actively participate in the discussion of medical building construction and hospital management with our vital experience and dynamic leadership in medical architecture planning and hospital management in Taiwan, and finally to explore the field of expressive art therapy.
TMAHMA promotes the integration of diverse and sustainable eco-solutions in medical architecture planning with focus on the humanities, aesthetics, art, public policy, management and administration. In order to provide advanced theory and technology in both academia and professional practice, TMAHMA spends enormous energy on the education, publication, and professional improvement of medical architecture planning and hospital management. Furthermore, TMAHMA enthusiastically participates in international conferences, bridges international exchanges and builds viability in the international community. Additionally, TMAHMA accepts commissions from the government and promotes public policy discussion of medical architecture.
The popularity of Expressive Art Therapy in the West has inspired TMAHMA with its artistic and holistic approach. Expressive Art Therapy involves medicine, art and science as interdisciplinary subjects. Patients can prevent, cure and recover individually, and furthermore improve their emotional, physical and psychological welfare in general. TMAHMA foresees enormous potential in integrating Expressive Art Therapy with healthcare in the near future.
11577 臺北市南港區八德路四段768巷3號2樓之1
2F.-1, No.3, Ln. 768, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
#401, No. 22, Huli Avenue, Huli District, Xiamen, China 361000
11577 台北市南港区八德路四段768巷3号2楼之1
11577 臺北市南港區八德路四段768巷3號2樓之1
北京市西城区白广路4号院A区 1层110室(邮编100053 )
2F.-1, No.3, Ln. 768, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Suit 110, 1st Floor, Section A, No. 4, Bai-Guang Road, Xi-Cheng District, Beijing, China 100053
北京市西城区白广路4号院A区 1层110室(邮编100053 )